Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Badly Behaved for Women's History Month 2014

Anna Gallagher, Publicity Assistant at Seal Press, invited Seal authors to send in a short video talking about our favorite feminist quote.

Anna will compile these into one video in honor of Women's History Month, and we'll share it widely as soon as it's ready.

I knew right away which quote I'd choose, and I had a ton of fun making my video!

Here's something you may not know about me: I don't wait very well. In fact, my motto used to be, "The only problem with instant gratification is that it takes too long." Clearly I couldn't wait to share my video with you. Anna said I could go for it -- so here it is:

Do you have a favorite quote for Women's History Month? If so, I hope you'll add it in a comment here.

3/18/14 update: Here's the finished video from Seal with the favorite quotes of many Seal authors. I love the Anais Nin quote!

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