Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

How Do You End It?

If you're dating (or trying to date), I'd like your input:

Let's say you met someone, either through online dating or some other way. It seemed to have potential as you started to spend time together and get to know each other, but soon you realized it wasn't going to work out.

Which of these do you do?
  1. Say something like "I'm sorry, but I don't see us as a match," with a kind explanation. 
  2. Say something like "I'm sorry, but I don't see us as a match,", but with no explanation. 
  3. Give an explanation that you know will hurt, but will definitely end things. 
  4. Give the true reason you want to end it. 
  5. Make up an excuse, e.g. decided to get back with an ex, or not ready to date again, or ...? 
  6. "Ghost" or "fade away": you say nothing but don't get in touch or respond when the other person contacts you. 
  7. Other? (Please explain.) 

Now switch roles. If you've been on the receiving end of any of the above, which one(s) left you feeling okay? Awful? If rejection has to happen, how do you want to be rejected?

Do your answers change in any way if you and this new person have been sexual?

Please comment, and although you don't need to give your real name (please choose something other than "Anonymous"), please include your real age. I'd like to contrast the views of our over-50 age group with those younger.

I look forward to your comments!

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