Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Attn: Dynamic New Yorkers Age 50+

UPDATE: Thank you to the eleven lively people who partipated in my NYC workshop, Ask Me, I'll Tell You: Women and Men Talk Out Loud about Sex and Aging, talking candidly about your sexuality in front of strangers, a TV crew, and cameras. You were wonderful!

Excerpts from this workshop will be part of a TV documentary on sexuality in the U.S. airing on a major cable network in October or November. Once the air date is set, I'll be able to tell you the details -- right now I can't reveal more.

We had such a good time with the abbreviated version of this workshop that the participants requested that I return to NYC to give the full workshop. I'd love to! If you want to be on my NYC mailing list for news of a workshop there (without cameras or a TV crew!), please email me with "NYC workshop info" in the subject line, and tell me a bit about yourself.

We're also seeking sponsors who can provide a venue and/or cover my travel costs. Let's make this happen!

If you live in the Santa Rosa/ Marin/ San Francisco area of California, I offer this workshop frequently here. Email me with "local workshop info" in the subject line. I'm about to schedule another one in Santa Rosa in the next couple of months.

If you're landing on this post for the first time, here's the background -- the original 8/17/12 post about the first NYC workshop event:

Are you:
  • In or near New York City?
  • Age 50+?
  • Energetic, articulate, communicative?
  • Interested in enriching your knowledge of senior sexuality?
  • Willing to share your views about sexual topics candidly -- on camera?
  • Available Thursday morning, August 23?

If so, Please email me immediately! You might be invited to appear on a national cable network television special with me on the topic of senior sex! Here's the scoop:

On Thursday morning, Aug. 23 (venue TBD in New York City), I'm doing a one-hour, abbreviated version of my workshop, Ask Me, I'll Tell You: Women and Men Talk Out Loud about Sex and Aging (description below). The workshop will be free to you and filmed -- you'll be on camera the whole time. Excerpts will appear as one segment of a national cable television special about senior sex.

If you are enthusiastic about speaking candidly about senior sex as part of a workshop discussion, which I'll facilitate, please email me right away! If you and a partner want to participate, please submit separate emails, but indicate that you are partnered with [name]. Singles are encouraged to participate.

Please include this information in your email:
  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Age
  • 2 or 3 burning questions* you would like to hear men discuss about senior sex
  • 2 or 3 burning questions* you would like to hear women discuss about senior sex

Workshop description:

Ask Me, I'll Tell You: Women and Men Talk Out Loud about Sex and Aging . We’re talking about senior sex—the challenges, the pleasures, and all the questions we didn’t think we could ask out loud. What arouses us now, when the old ways aren’t working like they used to? What do we wish we understood and could communicate better about our changing bodies and responses? How do we spice up our sexual repertoire? What if we don't have a partner? What if we don't feel desire for sex any more? In this eye opening, interactive, mixed-gender workshop, you’ll get to voice your questions and get answers. Joan Price, author of Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty and Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex, guides the conversation and discovery, and offers tips for putting the zest back into later-life sexuality. For couples and singles, men and women. 

(*In the full-length version of this workshop, we arrive together at the "burning questions" we want to hear our own and the other gender discuss, but since we're limited to one hour of this workshop, I'm speeding it along by collecting your questions ahead of time.)

This show will air in the last quarter of this year -- more details to come. I'm really excited about this opportunity to share what I do on a national television special, and I hope you'll be part of it! I'll turn over the information you send me to the producer, who has the final word on attendees -- space is limited and we won't be able to accommodate everyone.

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